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Old School Mode

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:19 am
by Taem
Alright, seemed like a great idea at first, but now I'm getting exceedingly frustrated! Do the levels keep moving around on each map? I labeled my graph paper on the right-hand side with 1-40, and on the top with A-ZZ. I had to redo my level 1 map twice already because the bloody area went past my graph paper. No problem. I just remade it. Then level 2 "starts" at the edge of level 1's South border and continues going South... way past the edge of my level 1 map where I had already mapped out 1-40 and A-ZZ to keep track of pits and stairs on lower levels. Can I expect this on every level, to move around making map-making a chore, or does the map actually go "down" in a somewhat linear fashion later on? I ask now that I've just reached level 2 to prevent me from loosing my sanity. On my first play through, I made it to level 4 and had such a blast playing this game that I couldn't wait to try it again with my own created party, so I did so and even tried old school mode this time, and it was everything I thought it would be and equally rewarding... until I found the levels go off the map. Now it's more tedious then fun and I don't feel like wasting my time Now's the time for me to start over before I delve too deep unless I can get some solace. Which brings me to my actual question:

Any hints on making the maps? Do the maps follow a linear path downward so if I make my grid, say 1-50, and A-AA, will that be big enough for all 13-levels to remain on the same map without lower levels drifting off the grid? And if so, where should I start level 1 at? I don't want to use any pre-rendered maps by other users, as I feel that would be cheating me out of the experience of this game, and while I don't mind the auto-map, there's just something fun and nostalgic about drawing out your own map. You know what, a picture is really worth a thousand-words in this case. Here is my level-1 map and the beginnings of my level-2 map... As you can see, I stopped mapping it when I explored it a bit and realized it goes off the grid:
Any ideas? I should note that while it is fun drawing the map, it is a tedious chore to have to remake the map numerous times to fit lower leveled-maps and if that's the case, I'll simply start a new party and switch to auto-map. Thanks for any help I receive.

Re: Old School Mode

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:08 am
by Dr.Disaster
LoG maps use a 32x32 grid; the game even comes with it's own printable grid graph paper located in the game's extras folder.

Drawing own maps should not be too big a problem past the first 2 floors since you can't know where it started. Without a compass the best you can do is assume that the heading your party starts with is North.

HINT: in LoG your party starts the game heading North.

The first floor is rather small. It does not make use of all the available space so basic advice would be to move it's map (once done) into the top-left corner of a 32x32 grid.

Next locate the stairs down on your map. Make/grab another 32x32 grid, mark stairs up at the same location as your drawn map and continue traveling from there.

The second floor makes rather good use of the available space so drawing the map for third floor should be rather easy. Repeat the above for all following floors.

Once you acquired a compass verify that your headings are correct.

Re: Old School Mode

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:47 am
by Taem
Perfect! That was exactly what I needed to know. Dr.Disaster, you are a real life saver on these forums! I'd buy you a bouquet of flowers or something if this weren't a virtual playground :lol: .