Intro And Some Questions On Modding

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Intro And Some Questions On Modding

Post by wagtunes »


You know you're a real gaming geek, 60 years old and excited about making your first post here.

Brief intro:

I started playing video games back in the 1977 with the Atari 2600. My first PC adventure game was Eye Of The Beholder on 3.5 inch floppy back in the 90s. Until Might And Magic VI came out in 1998.

Legend Of Grimrock has captured the thrill of the original EoB series and I couldn't love it more.

With that out of the way, I've started my own dungeon. Having a good 30 years of computer programming experience behind me, I'm not overly concerned about diving into the Lua script but so far have stayed away from it because there are a few things that I'm unsure of and can't find answers for. The dungeon editor itself hasn't given me any problems though it's taken me a bit to figure out that there's a big difference between deactivate and toggle when it comes to turning off portals.

Anyway, here are my specific questions. I really didn't know where else to ask these because I don't see a sub forum that says tech help for dungeon editor or Lua scipting. So I figured posting here was safe.

1. I found the command for ending the game. I'm assuming I have to write a Lua script that when whatever event occurs, I simply call that command. My question though has to do with how to customize the game ending. I see the syntax says:


I'm assumning the cinematics file is either an audio or video but can't find any info on file type that it has to be or where that file needs to be stored on your PC. I've been composing music since 1977 so writing an ending score is no problem. In fact, you can find a lot of my work on Soundcloud.

However, in addition to the cinematic file, I want to display text similar to the dream sequence texts in LOG 1 but have no clue how to do that in conjunction with the cinematic file where several messages fade in and fade out, controlled by a timer. So any assistance here will be appreciated.

2. Would like to create a custom item to be found in a chest in order to trigger the completeGame([cinematicsFile]) command. Is this possible? I've gone through the scripting reference page but might have missed something as it's pretty long. In fact, it's massive.

That's about it. Everything else I've pretty much figured out and am through 4 levels of my current dungeon. As a former D&D Dungeon Master, this has been very easy for me story wise.

3. Is there an area where custom Lua scripts like the ones I'm looking for already exist? There is no point in reinventing the wheel if it already exists.

Any assistance that anybody can give and any other suggestions regarding things that I might not have even thought of would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Intro And Some Questions On Modding

Post by Leki »

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Re: Intro And Some Questions On Modding

Post by wagtunes »

Thank you. Much appreciated.
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Re: Intro And Some Questions On Modding

Post by Sir Tawmis »

Leki wrote: Custom video:
Use Grimrock I guide:

Out of curiosity (not that I am planning anything, but I clicked the link to see how easy it would be)... The page states:
Note for Legend of Grimrock 2 Version 2.1.18: When exporting, the editor does not currently package .ivf-files. To work around this limitation, rename your video file to .dds and update your script to match the new filename. This will be fixed in the next version.

Was this ever fixed in LOG2?
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Re: Intro And Some Questions On Modding

Post by minmay »

Yes, that was fixed.
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