How to improve my flamethrower ?

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How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by Khollik »

Hello everyone,

Right now I'm trying to create new items for a Mod I'm working on and any help would be appreciated to improve my... flamethrower !

My aim is to create a heavy weapon with a secondary action with a custom spell ("Ignite") which will burn the two next tiles in front of the party. Of course, if there is a wall or an obstacle, the party's tile will be inflamed instead (like with a fireburst or a fireball). I don't know if that kind of spell has already been created ?

I managed to customize my item to launch the spell. I also managed to combine and edit the fireburst and the poison cloud assets to create the visual effects and damage I was looking for (instant damage + damage in time), but I'm still struggling with the spell itself. Here is the code of the asset, with some explanation about what works and what doesn't work.

I put the code in a spoiler tag due to its length

Code: Select all

	name = "ignite",
	uiName = "Ignite",
	gesture = 123,
	manaCost = 60,
onCast = function(champion, x, y, direction, elevation, skillLevel)
local ix,iy = getForward(party.facing)  	-- get coordinates of the tile in front of the party
ix = ix + party.x		
iy = iy + party.y
local iix,iiy = getForward(party.facing) 	-- get coordinates of the tile one space away in front of the party
iix = (iix*2) + party.x   	
iiy = (iiy*2) + party.y

-- check the first tile
local bloque1 = true
local bloque2 = true
if not,iy) then --if the party doesn't face a wall, the tile in front of the party can be targeted
bloque1 = false
if,iy,party.elevation) then 	-- possibly there is no wall but an obstacle					
   for each in,iy) do		-- check if this obstacle is a monster
	if each:getComponent("monster") ~= nil then			
		bloque1 = false
		break                      -- if there is at least one monster, that means that the tile is passable. No need to check other entities
	else bloque1 = true

if bloque1 == true then					-- if there is a wall or a non-monster obstacle, target the tile of the party
spawn("ignite",party.level, party.x, party.y, direction, elevation,"ignite1")	
spawn("ignite",party.level, ix, iy, direction, elevation,"ignite1") -- if there is no wall and no obstacle (or a monster-class obstacle), target the tile in front of the party					
local iz = ignite1:getWorldPositionY()
iz = iz-0.5

-- check the second tile if the first has been targeted. Basically the same code but with coordinates of the tile one space away
if bloque1 == false then
if not,iiy) then
bloque2 = false
if,iiy,party.elevation) then 						
   for each in,iiy) do		
	if each:getComponent("monster") ~= nil then			
		bloque2 = false
	else bloque2 = true

if bloque2 == false then
spawn("ignite",party.level, iix, iiy, direction, elevation,"ignite2")
local iiz = ignite2:getWorldPositionY()
iiz = iiz-0.5


	skill = "fire_magic",
	requirements = { "fire_magic", 3, "air_magic", 3 },
	icon = 99,
	spellIcon = 8,
	description = "Burn your way out!",
So... The flamethrower actually works in almost all situations.
1/ If there is a wall in front of the party, it burns the party...
2/ if there is a wall one tile away in front of the party, it only inflames the first tile
3/ and obviously it doesn't inflame the second tile if the first is a wall or has an obstacle
Now, it can happen there is no wall but another type of obstacle
4/ in that case, the script check if the obstacle is a monster (then it burns it :twisted: ) or something else : a rockpile, a tree etc.

What does not works well is the door-type obstacles (doors,secret doors etc.). In that case, I can't make the script understand that it's an obstacle, which is quite realistic with a portcullis (after all, you could cast a spell through the bars) but not at all with other kinds of doors.

I did try with getComponent() as for the monster class, but I can't get the same result. Are doors not considered as obstacle ? Maybe there is something I didn't understand yet in the way they work? What do I miss here ?

I did notice checkLineOfFire() and checkLineOfSight() functions but I couldn't understand them either. Could they be useful in my case ? :?: :?: :?:

Thanks for your help.

PS : apologies for possible misspelling, non English native speaking.
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Re: How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by Leki »

Can you share more info abyout that weapon? There is more possible ways how to solve this issue, but it depends on that weapon and whole modification. If you are working on "Aliens", then you can use firearm component in some way, or you can use projectile insteed of spell etc.
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Re: How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by akroma222 »

Leki wrote:Can you share more info abyout that weapon? If you are working on "Aliens", then you can use firearm component in some way.....
Game over, man! Game over! :lol: :D

And yes - more info (as Leki said, lots of ways to do this)
Is it a burst spell?
Fire wall/Ice shards type effect?
Can it pass through sparse doors like grating and portcullis?

EDIT - IF you are going for a burst / shards spell ....
an easy but effective way to handle this is to use some of the functions Zimber created (found in his asset pack)
You can use these to spawn all kinds of burst spell / shards spell effects
If this is too much or complicated for what you are looking for, there are simpler fixes ....

These are the functions

Code: Select all

--	Function that creates a wave in the form of a cone from its starting point
--	Uses 'coneWaveStraight' and 'coneWaveDiagonal'
--	zim_functions.script.waveStarter(object,x,y,f,e,l,length,delay,power)
--	object			- object that the wave is made out of (tile damagers or cloud spells)
--	x,y,f,e,l		- x,y position, facing, elevation, and level
--	length			- length of the wave
--	delay			- delay between wave advancements
--	allowPlatforms	- [bool] should the wave go over platforms
--	power			- [optional] attack power of the created objects (nil for no changes)
function coneWaveStarter(object,x,y,f,e,l,length,delay,allowPlatforms,power)
	local rightFace = (f+1)%4
	local leftFace = (f+3)%4
	if length - 1 > 0 then
--	Basically a replica of the ice shards component
--	Can be used with object that don't have an ice shards component (i.e fireburst) without crashing and the need of creating a new object
--	Will stay consistent with its delay between spawns as well
function coneWaveStraight(object,x,y,f,e,l,length,delay,allowPlatforms,power)
	local map = Dungeon.getMap(l)
	local dx,dy = getForward(f)
	local obj = spawn(object,l,x,y,f,e)
	if obj.iceshards then obj.iceshards:setRange(0) end
	if power then
		if obj.cloudspell then obj.cloudspell:setAttackPower(power)
		elseif obj.tiledamager then obj.tiledamager:setAttackPower(power) end
	if map:checkLineOfFire(x, y, x+dx, y+dy, e) then
		local continue = false
		if map:getElevation(x+dx,y+dy) == e then continue = true end
		if not continue and allowPlatforms then
			for v in map:entitiesAt(x+dx,y+dy) do
				if v.elevation == e and v.platform and v.platform:isEnabled() then
					continue = true
		if continue then
			if length-1 > 0 then
--	Diagonal checker if there is nothing blocking the wave from expanding
function coneWaveDiagonal(object,x,y,f1,f2,e,l,length,delay,allowPlatforms,power)
	local map = Dungeon.getMap(l)
	local dx1,dy1 = getForward(f1)
	local dx2,dy2 = getForward(f2)
	if map:checkLineOfFire(x, y, x+dx1, y+dy1, e) then
		local continue1 = false
		if map:getElevation(x+dx1,y+dy1) == e then continue1 = true end
		if not continue1 and allowPlatforms then
			for v1 in map:entitiesAt(x+dx1,y+dy1) do
				if v1.elevation == e and v1.platform and v1.platform:isEnabled() then
					continue1 = true
		if continue1 then
			if map:checkLineOfFire(x+dx1, y+dy1, x+dx1+dx2, y+dy1+dy2, e) then
				local continue2 = false
				if map:getElevation(x+dx1+dx2,y+dy1+dy2) == e then continue2 = true end
				if not continue2 and allowPlatforms then
					for v2 in map:entitiesAt(x+dx1+dx2,y+dy1+dy2) do
						if v2.elevation == e and v2.platform and v2.platform:isEnabled() then
							continue2 = true
				if continue2 then
					if length-1 > 0 then

Ive since added to these functions and have replicated the Blast Component effect:

Code: Select all

--BLAST component mimic

function blastWaveStarter(object,x,y,f,e,l,length,delay,allowPlatforms,power)
	local obj = spawn(object,l,x,y,f,e)
	if obj.iceshards then obj.iceshards:setRange(0) end
	if power then
		if obj.cloudspell then obj.cloudspell:setAttackPower(power)
		elseif obj.tiledamager then obj.tiledamager:setAttackPower(power) end
	local rightFace = (f+1)%4
	local leftFace = (f+3)%4
	local oppF = (f + 2)%4
	local oppRightFace = (oppF+1)%4
	local oppLeftFace = (oppF+3)%4
	print(f, rightFace, leftFace, oppF, oppRightFace, oppLeftFace)
	if length - 1 > 0 then
		for dir = 0,3 do
			local dx,dy = getForward(dir)
			delayedCall("aoeSpell",delay/2,"coneWaveStraight",object,x + dx,y + dy,dir,e,l,length,delay,allowPlatforms,power)

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Re: How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by Khollik »

Thanks you both for your answer.

No, I'm not working on "Aliens" ( :?:), I'm testing some asset customization to see if I can go through a Mod idea I have now that I have finished my first one (and I'm a little bit more experienced with the LoG editor).

My flamethrower is a heavy weapon which doesn't have a primary action, only a secondary action, to force player to charge the flamethrower (I found it more realistic than just clicking on it).
I modified the wizard's virge asset because it was the closest graphic I found to what I had in mind. Here is the asset code :

Code: Select all

	name = "flamethrower",
	baseObject = "base_item",
	components = {
			class = "Model",
			model = "assets/models/items/wizards_virge.fbx",
			class = "Item",
			uiName = "Flame Thrower",
			description = "Useful to burn mummies or cook sausages",
			gfxIndex = 309,
			gfxIndexPowerAttack = 444,
			impactSound = "impact_blunt",
			weight = 5,
			traits = { "heavy_weapon", "two_handed" },
			secondaryAction = "ignite",			
			class = "EquipmentItem",
			slot = "Weapon",
			class = "CastSpell",
			name = "ignite",
			uiName = "Ignite",
			cooldown = 6,
			spell = "ignite",
			energyCost = 15,
			--power = 3,
			charges = 6,			
			class = "Particle",
			particleSystem = "flamethrower_particle",
			offset = vec(0.9, 0, 0.2),
As you can see, it works with a "CastSpell" class, which triggers the "ignite spell".
Can it pass through sparse doors like grating and portcullis?
Actually, I don't mind if the flamethrower passes through portcullis and gratings (which it already does), I'm concerned by the fact that my isObstacle() check doesn't "understand" if there is a door or not.

Thanks to Akroma's code, I understand that the CheckLineOfSight() works with the two first parameters being the starting tile, the next two ones the arriving tile and the last one the elevation? Am I correct here?
Could i use that instead of my chained isWall()/isObstacle()/getComponent() tests? Or will I have the same issue with the doors?

Again, thanks for any help you could provide!
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Re: How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by Isaac »

Khollik wrote:No, I'm not working on "Aliens" ( :?:)...

Actually, I don't mind if the flamethrower passes through portcullis and gratings (which it already does), I'm concerned by the fact that my isObstacle() check doesn't "understand" if there is a door or not.
Manually check for a door... Done using both the tile location, and the facing attribute of any doors on the tile; (0 means a North door, 2 means a South door...).

*You also have to check the next adjacent tile, as a door facing 0 in the Party's location, is visually in the same spot as a door in the next tile to the North, facing 2.
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Re: How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by akroma222 »

Khollik wrote: Thanks to Akroma's code, I understand that the CheckLineOfSight() works with the two first parameters being the starting tile, the next two ones the arriving tile and the last one the elevation? Am I correct here?
Could i use that instead of my chained isWall()/isObstacle()/getComponent() tests? Or will I have the same issue with the doors?
Ohhh important! The set of functions I posted above were written by ZimberZimber
...and can be found in his Asset pack >> viewtopic.php?f=22&t=14538

CheckLineOfSight( ) takes 5 'number' arguments.....(it checks LOS between pointA and pointB for elevation E)

CheckLineOfSight( xA, yA, xB, yB, E)
(So Im guessing make pointA the party's x,y coords .... and pointB the furtherest square the flamethrower can reach in the party's facing direction)

You can use one of Zimbers functions to do this.... by calling:

Code: Select all

yourFlamethrowerScript.script.coneWaveStraight(object, x, y, f, e, l, length, delay, allowPlatforms, power)

Code: Select all

--Legend for coneWaveStraight Function Arguments
--   object         - object that the wave is made out of (tile damagers or cloud spells)
--   x,y,f,e,l      - x,y position, facing, elevation, and level
--   length         - length of the wave
--   delay         - delay between wave advancements
--   allowPlatforms   - [bool] should the wave go over platforms
--   power         - [optional] attack power of the created objects (nil for no changes)
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Re: How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by akroma222 »

Isaac wrote: *You also have to check the next adjacent tile, as a door facing 0 in the Party's location, is visually in the same spot as a door in the next tile to the North, facing 2.
Isaac - a good reminder!
Here is the first part of an unnecessarily long winded function I wrote that checks where to spawn a spell effect on cast
It deals with the door - sparse issue (and checks both ways for the door)

Code: Select all

function getAoeTarget(x, y, direction, elevation, burstSpell)
		local x	= party.x		
		local y	= party.y				
		local direction = party.facing
		local elevation = party.elevation
		local dx,dy = getForward(party.facing)
  		local ldx,ldy = getForward((party.facing+3)%4) 
  		local rdx,rdy = getForward((party.facing+1)%4)
		local x1 = x + dx
		local y1 = y + dy
		local x2 = x + 2*dx			
		local y2 = y + 2*dy
		local obs =, party.facing)
		local cloudSpellTab = {"poison_cloud", "poison_cloud_small", "poison_cloud_medium", "poison_cloud_pocket", "poison_cloud_limeburst", 
								"draining_cloud", "draining_cloud2", "draining_cloud_improved", "draining_cloud_greater","drain_cloud_eater"}
		---------------------------------------------------------SPARSE GATES
		if obs == "door" or obs == "wall" then																
			for o in + dx, party.y + dy) do	
				if o and o.door and o.facing == ((party.facing + 2)%4) then									
					for _,comp in o:componentIterator() do
						if comp:getClass() == "DoorComponent" and o.door:getSparse() then					
							if burstSpell and table.contains(cloudSpellTab, burstSpell) then				
								x1 = party.x + dx															
								y1 = party.y + dy																						
								return party.level, party.x + dx, party.y + dy, party.facing, party.elevation
			for o in, party.y) do												
				if o and o.door and party.facing == o.facing then
					for _,comp in o:componentIterator() do
						if comp:getClass() == "DoorComponent" and o.door:getSparse() then					
							if burstSpell and table.contains(cloudSpellTab, burstSpell) then				
								x1 = party.x + dx															
								y1 = party.y + dy																					
								return party.level, party.x + dx, party.y + dy, party.facing, party.elevation
			x = party.x			
			y = party.y																						
			return party.level, party.x, party.y, party.facing, party.elevation
-----------------------------------------------------------ELEVATION = Same
		if, y1) == party.elevation then
			--print("same elevation")
			if obs == "obstacle" then
				for e in, y1) do
					if e and e.elevation == party.elevation then
						for _,c in e:componentIterator() do
							if (c:getClass() == "ObstacleComponent" and c:getBlockParty()) 
							or c:getClass() == "ForceFieldComponent" or c:getClass() == "DynamicObstacleComponent" then
								--print(obs, c:getClass())
								x = party.x
								y = party.y
								return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
							elseif c:getClass() == "Health" then
								local immTab =
								if not then 
									x = party.x + dx
									y = party.y + dy	
									return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
							--print("obstacle without obstacle comp???")
			x = party.x + dx
			y = party.y + dy	
			return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
			----------------------------------------------ELEVATION = lower than party
		elseif, y1) < party.elevation then
			for e in, y1) do
				if not checkPartyUnderwater() then
					if + dx, party.y + dy) == 2 then
						if e and e.platform and e.platform:isEnabled() and e.elevation == party.elevation then 
							x = party.x + dx
							y = party.y + dy
							return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
							if burstSpell == "ice_shards" then
								x = party.x
								y = party.y
								return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
								--print("not ice shards")
								x = party.x + dx
								y = party.y + dy
								return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
					x = party.x + dx
					y = party.y + dy
					return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
		x = party.x + dx
		y = party.y + dy
		return party.level, x, y, direction, elevation
(EDIT - all of it added now - ive been meaning to double check this function w everyone, now is a good time)
Khollik - you are interested in the first part checking doors on partys square and the square in front of the party
hope this helps
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Re: How to improve my flamethrower ?

Post by Khollik »

Aaaah this "Aliens" :D Sorry, I thought you were talking about some collective work in progress.

Actually, I do try to make a new Mod with some spooky atmosphere (sparse music, few light etc.), a kind of tribute to survival horror and resident evil-alike. I'm still in the item creation phase of my reflexions, for instance this torchlight (which works fine now :mrgreen: ) :

Regarding the flamethrower, I didn't immediately check your answers. Meanwhile I did manage to improve it a little thanks to CheckLineOfFire(), and now it works in almost every situation except when there is a monster just behind a door :twisted:

Code: Select all

	name = "ignite",
	uiName = "Ignite",
	gesture = 123,
	manaCost = 60,
onCast = function(champion, x, y, direction, elevation, skillLevel)
local ix,iy = getForward(party.facing)  	-- get coordinates of the tile in front of the party
ix = (ix) + party.x   	
iy = (iy) + party.y
local iix,iiy = getForward(party.facing) 	-- get coordinates of the tile one space away in front of the party
iix = (iix*2) + party.x   	
iiy = (iiy*2) + party.y
local iiix,iiiy = getForward(party.facing) 	-- get coordinates of the tile two spaces away in front of the party
iiix = (iiix*3) + party.x   	
iiiy = (iiiy*3) + party.y

-- check the first tile
local bloque1 = true
local bloque2 = true
if,iy) then --if the party doesn't face a wall, the tile in front of the party can be targeted
bloque1 = false

local i =,party.y,ix,iy,party.elevation)
if i == true then bloque1 = false
else bloque1 = true
for each in,iy) do		-- check if this obstacle is a monster
  if each:getComponent("monster") ~= nil then			
		bloque1 = false
  --else bloque1 = true

if bloque1 == true then					-- if there is a wall or a non-monster obstacle, target the tile of the party
spawn("ignite",party.level, party.x, party.y, direction, elevation,"ignite1")	
spawn("ignite",party.level, ix, iy, direction, elevation,"ignite1") -- if there is no and no obstacle (or a monster-class obstacle), target the tile in front of the party					
local iz = ignite1:getWorldPositionY()
iz = iz-0.5

-- check the second tile if the first has been targeted
if bloque1 == false then
  if not,iiy) then bloque2 = false end
  local i =,iy,iix,iiy,party.elevation)
  if i == true then bloque2 = false
  else bloque2 = true 
  for each in,iiy) do
    if each:getComponent("monster") ~= nil then			
	bloque2 = false

if bloque2 == false then
spawn("ignite",party.level, iix, iiy, direction, elevation,"ignite2")
local iiz = ignite2:getWorldPositionY()
iiz = iiz-0.5


	skill = "fire_magic",
	requirements = { "fire_magic", 3, "air_magic", 3 },
	icon = 99,
	spellIcon = 8,
	description = "Burn your way out!",
But I shall try your solutions now... (and Zimber asset!)

Thanks again!
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