Script options to check if party has various items or not

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Re: Script options to check if party has various items or no

Post by Komag »

yeah, that's getMouseItem()
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Eleven Warrior
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Re: Script options to check if party has various items or no

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Hi Kogmag..

I love the Script and was wondering how after the door opens, do I destroy the Sack and orb with it..

Even if the Orb is inside the Sack or in the Inventory or in the Champs hand...

I have a puzzle that requires this function..
With My Shop when the player picks up the Sack,Box etc.. there will be a coin inside it and when the Shop is activated both the Sack and Coin are Destroyed.

My way of a Treasure for the player LOL... I have Cloned a new Coin with new Text on it eg: (100 pces of Gold) which gets added to the Shop money Tally..


PS: this script Works but everytime the players walks over the Pressure plate the Text comes up even after the door is Opened.. I need the text to stop after
the door is open, and I need to destroy the Sack and Orb (as above Question)....

function checkGoldOrb()
local goldOrb = false
local n = "golden_orb"

for i = 1, 4 do
for j = 1, 31 do
local item = party:getChampion(i):getItem(j)
if item then
if == "sack" or == "mortar" or == "wooden_box" then
for x in item:containedItems() do
if x then
if == "mortar" then
for y in x:containedItems() do
if y then if == n then goldOrb = true end end
end end
if == n then goldOrb = true end
end end end
if == n then goldOrb = true end
end end end

if goldOrb then door1a:open()
hudPrint("The Orbs Magic opens the way")
hudPrint("You dont have the Golden Orb")

Eleven Warrior
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